Boost Your Confidence Using CBT!

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on targeting unhelpful thoughts and behaviours in order to foster more helpful ones. It is a very adaptable, flexible and versatile approach for problem-solving, goal setting and learning important life skills to improve the quality of your life!

This therapeutic modality not only improves your mood, it also helps with stress reduction, and anxiety, and most importantly boosts your overall confidence! CBT can be used by anyone regardless of age and is a very diverse and culturally adaptable approach.

First, before diving into how you can build your confidence, let’s discuss the psychoeducational aspect of CBT. CBT motivates individuals to take a look at their experiences and situations that decrease mood, increase anxiety or make us feel worse emotionally and physically. Considering these specific situations and exploring the thoughts, feelings, physical symptoms and behaviours is the first step in building self-awareness. Once we are able to notice our internal and external reactions we can make changes to our thoughts and behaviours to improve our overall mood. This is the core concept that underlies CBT.

Now, how do you build your confidence in 3 easy steps?

1. Make a list!

Write a list of things you like about yourself and things others like about you. This list can include anything ranging from achievements that you are proud of, qualities that make you special, traits that others have pointed out as great aspects of your personality and so on. Read this list often before going to sleep and practice saying positive affirmations of yourself.

2. Walk and talk with confidence!

Act confident even if you don’t feel that way, walk, talk and look confident and you will immediately start to feel that way. This can be shown in your tall posture, making eye contact, speaking louder and clearer, and dressing confidently.

3. Remember that you are doing fine!

Don’t be so hard on yourself, do what you can and keep going. There may be setbacks and obstacles on your journey but looking at your initiative to make a change and small accomplishments along the way will motivate you to keep going and working on yourself.

Always remember that you are good enough and that you can do it! Keep going!